
The DRC undertakes information, education, and ICT projects in line with our organisational values and mission. Some examples include:

The DRC is the secretariat for DevNet – the Aotearoa New Zealand International Developmenmt Studies Network. DevNet was established to link people and organisations in New Zealand involved and interested in the broad field of development. Its aim is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, information and research between and amongst Development Studies, and key stakeholders in development: aid and development NGOs, private sector development practitioners, and government. DevNet is governmed by a Steering Committee comprising representatives from all NZ universities, the Council for International Development, NZAID and Dev-Zone.

The*Next: An Impression of Hip Hop Expression

A project of Community Youth Programme along with project partners Save The Children, Ydub, Tearaway Magazine, Back2Basics, and BaseTwo. The*Next is about engaging young people in an exploration of the world around them, through Hip Hop.

Global Focus
Tearaway Magazine contracts the Community Youth Programme to produce pages on global issues four times a year. Tearaway is Aotearoa’s NZ most widely read youth magazine. The associated teacher pages are developed by the School’s Programme.

Just Focus
Just Focus is a programme for young people to engage with issues in Aotearoa New Zealand, the Pacific and globally. The goals of the project are responsible global citizenship and change for a just world. Just Focus is committed to the full participation of young people to inform and develop the programme, its content, style and direction. Just Focus connects a community of young people and provides an avenue to:
  :: Be active in becoming informed about issues facing the world today.
  :: Discuss these topics with other like-minded young people.
  :: Provide inspiration and tools to take action.
The three main elements of the programme are the Just Focus website, local groups, and regional and national camps.

Responsible Tourism Code for the Pacific
Tourism is one of the most direct ways that many Aotearoa New Zealanders engage with the wider world. Dev-Zone undertook research into what role it could play in promoting responsible tourism and drafted the Responsible Tourism Code for the Pacific. The Code is supported and endorsed by PIANGO and the South Pacific Tourism Organisation.

Global Education Fund
On behalf of NZAID, the DRC administers the Global Education Fund (GEF). The Fund was formally established in 2005 to assist NGOs and community groups undertake effective global education activities. The aim of the fund is to increase understanding, amongst people in New Zealand, of global interconnectedness and interdependence, and to promote effective ways for people to take action and be responsible global citizens.

Jubilee Aotearoa Debt Action Network
The DRC is a member of Jubilee Aotearoa, a network of agencies and individuals working together for the cancellation of the unjust and unpayable debts of poor countries. The DRC implemented, hosts and maintains the network's website, and has developed a resource kit for schools on the debt issue.


Dev-Zone,in conjunction with the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme [SPREP] in Samoa, developed and now hosts the online Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation [PIRNC] – an inventory of conservation projects and activities in the Pacific.

Just Next Door
In partnership with Family Planning International Development, and funded by the Asia Pacific Alliance, the Schools Programme has produced a teachers' resource for the geography curriculum about tourism, population and development in Fiji and Samoa. The resource was sent free to all Aotearoa New Zealand secondary schools.

Aotearoa New Zealand NGO Directory

An essential reference tool containing information about non-governmental organisations (NGOs) located in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our alphabetical listing of NGOs includes up-to-date contact information, aims and objectives, brief organisational histories, regional foci, priority areas, main activities and key staff.

Pacific Development Directory (PDD)

The PDD is a fully searchable online directory of over 1000 organisations working on in the Pacific Islands. Organisations include NGOs, community-based organisations, donors, international development consulting companies, libraries, multi-laterals, universities and private individuals. A Pacific Island Association of NGOs / Dev-Zone joint project.